Monday, July 1, 2013


Today's word is: Ausfahrt - because today, my dad had a bad case of the Ausfahrts Lol
Lol Ausfahrt is the German word for an exit(while driving), and Ausgang is German for exit(while walking), but somehow, when my dad and his colleagues were playing around with this sound-measuring thing, and one of them was like "now THAT's an Ausfahrt XDDD"  the Americans were laughing their heads off, but the Germans didnt quite get the joke. Hehe..

OH GUESS WHAT, it's the first Monday that kids and Holland officially have Summer Break :D

And jsyk, we went to theArnhem Open Air Museum today, but I don't have time to post pictures today. Maybe tomorrow, but idk.

Also: ill post a derp-vid I took at our "4th of July Dutch BBQ" lol
In Holland, Fireworks are illegal, so they can really only do sparklers and stuff. Kinda like how fireworks are technically illegal in GA, so Georgians just drive to Alabama, stock up on fireworks, and come back in time to party lol

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