I got lost! Yay... Lol seriously though, 18:00 training with the high schoolers was harsh x.x
We had to pretty much jog for like 4km or something til we got to the next village... And some of them turned back maybe halfway, so I could've gone with them... But being me, I felt like I had to at least make it to the edge of the trees before going back... Stupid mistake. By the time I turned back, the ones who went back were long gone, and the others were like 1km ahead and wayyyyy out of sight, so it was just me and the birds! Heh. Thank Jesus I found the right roads before 20:00! I forgot where the last turn-off was :P that pretty much threw me off the whole way. The views were awesome though, I wish I brought my iPad.
Anywhoo, earlier today we went exploring the town of Tauberbischofsheim( just call it TBB lol)
With Rosa, Sam, Jamie, and Finbol(idk how to spell that... They're South African accept for Rosa, she's German). We just kinda yolo'd cause Sam wouldn't let me use a map XD so after wandering down random streets and going passed the Volksbank, we finally found the ice cream store. Man, it was worth the 20 minute walk with a bunch of loud South African dudes lol
After that, Sam took over and brought us to this awesome old castle wall he found the other day. It also happens to have the towns only seesaw 2 meters away lol
I got pictures of Sam and Finbarr derping out on this frog fountain thing, but Idk if they'll let me post it XD
Doorway in the castle wall
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