Saturday, July 13, 2013

People I Know

Hi again, here's the pic I promised of Rosa, Morris, and I, and some others XD Sam and Fimbarr said they'd rather me not Instagram them, so I thought "meh, nobody's actually gonna read my blog anyway XD" 

Sam was like "YOU TWO. Go..stand over there. And try to look decent, Kay?" LOL. At first he wanted us to jump into that mini-moat behind us. Lolnope. Not with those shoes on XD 
Sam has a thing for stealing anything digital I take with me during the walks through town hahaha. I just wanted to keep up with time...

Before that picture, me 'n Finbarr just kinda derped out on the town's only seesaw for 10 minutes straight, talking about random stuff and stereotypes.

And the day-long-awaited pic: *drumroll sounds*

Ok, I'm tired... Goodnight :)

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