Monday, July 15, 2013

Asb YOLOOOO part 2/2

Lol inside joke with my lil bro

Hairdresser(left) and butcher(right and back up the street)

Looking back up the street. Butcher is ahead of the wite car

Our apartment is inside the first door to the right. We live in the upstairs half.

Down-street from our apartment. Half-a See and right is the bridge

Nice old lady's garden out our back-windows 

WWII memorial stones. They're placed in the general area where the specific Jews lived in ASB. Dad says its special, because he hasn't seen them in any other town.

The parking lot where I was THIS. CLOSE. to being caught by the Bundas Politze during my first *cough* TOTALLYLEAGAL driving lesson in a BMW 320 Lolol 

Pathway from the castle to the park

Playground sign

Ehh I have to go to bed now. It's 12:49 and we're gonna leave at 5am, so goodnight :D
Until next time....Live like a German, ja?


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