Sunday, June 30, 2013

Word of the Day...

Ehhh I don't have enough time or bandwidth to post pictures(I'd have to transfer them from my SD card to my mom's computer, from there to my iPad, sort through them, and then wait half an hour to upload x.x it'd be so much easier if I had space to keep them all on my iPad...)

ANYWHOO, we've been joking about the "Word of the Day" for about a month now. It's a game my dad made up to try and find a word that's been used by multiple people multiple times that day, and when someone recognizes it, it's the word of the day XD

Ehh, I figured it'd be better than posting nothing, so ill try and post these whenever I find 'em.

Today's word is: graceful - like me when I'm *cough cough* GRACEFULLY  climbed out of the pool... Hehe..

Two days ago's word of the day(month) is: Beer... "Klein Pils, bitte?"  Don't ask lol it's a German thing 

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