ANYWAY, me and my mom were pretty much just driving around taking pictures today. We saw this tower Tom a distance, and long story short, we made it there. Turns out there's a fancy hotel conveniently there for parking, so *skipping the boring front desk stuff and the 30 sec. hike delayed by-ERMAHGERSH it's a wild strawberry :D*
They gave us a key at the front desk so we could access the stairs in the tower....only the door was as old as dirt and the key wouldn't turn in the lock. I ended up having to body-slam the door X'D seriously though, don't try that...doors hurt lol
Oh, and we had to climb up and down the 6 flights of stairs
with nothing but my iPad light 'cause we didnt discover the light switch until we left... Sound fun, right? Geez, what I do to take the perfect shots for y'all...
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