Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tower of Stubbornness (Black Forest)

Hiya! We're in the Black Forest right now, staying at a Best Western in Triberg. The last two times, we stayed at an apartment complex in Schönenwald(5 minutes away). Y'all probably haven't heard of Triberg, but in Germany it's famous for its waterfall being at the highest elevation, and  also for not having a square inch of even land XD if you walk down the streets, you're walking lopsided and uphill...both ways in the snow lol. No seriously, during winter... 

ANYWAY, me and my mom were pretty much just driving around taking pictures today. We saw this tower Tom a distance, and long story short, we made it there. Turns out there's a fancy hotel conveniently there for parking, so *skipping the boring front desk stuff and the 30 sec. hike delayed by-ERMAHGERSH it's a wild strawberry :D*  
They gave us a key at the front desk so we could access the stairs in the tower....only the door was as old as dirt and the key wouldn't turn in the lock. I ended up having to body-slam the door X'D seriously though, don't try that...doors hurt lol

Oh, and we had to climb up and down the 6 flights of stairs
with nothing but my iPad light 'cause we didnt discover the light switch until we left... Sound fun, right? Geez, what I do to take the perfect shots for y'all...

Do y'all see the tall poky thing above the trees??? That's a ski jump...it's like, 50 meters tall O.o

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