Hey! It's my last day/night here :D WOOOOOOOO
I seriously can't wait to go pig out at Taco Bell with my XXL McDonalds sweet tea, and hassle-free wifi.. That, and free bathrooms XD but maaan, I'm gonna miss it here too... The foods are to die for, and the life-skills you learn by just living here are priceless.
Oh, and if you, the reader, aver travels around, my advice to you is simple. Be adventurous, be efficient, and don't miss opportunities.
It works, too. And I don't mean to go all sappy or anything, but I can tell I've grown a bit by coming here. Before I came: I couldn't hardly talk to people I didn't know like the back of my hand. Now: I can walk to the bakery/butcher by myself, and order that day's worth of bread and meat in German.
Huge difference there XD
Anyway, I decided to spend the day playing Halo and yolo-ing around town, but I took so many pictures that I'm going to have to split up this YOLO post into maybe 2-3 posts.
Route to the Wildermann Hotel(underground way)
Before we knew about the underground route, we just kind of darted across the street like we were playing Frogger lol

Believe it or not, that table-setting thing is on the ceiling.
Still walking down that street...
One of Aschaffenburg's many many round-abouts. Mom drove straight through one of those...
Still walking...
A column at the entrance of some ASB museum
Hot chili dark chocolate-flavored ice cream XDDDD Lolol South African inside joke.
We bought 3 cans of Cola gummies there, but they had tons of awesome stuff
Lol so stereotypical...
Our favorite place to eat in the walking-district. It's right next to the camera shop, and to the left of the bookstore mom likes.
Their schnitzel has to be the best in Aschaffenburg. They even have B,ack Forest bacon :DDD
Walking back from the walking-district. The Jack Wolfskin in across the street and to the right(not in the picture)
Backwards view. To the faaaaar left is a pharmacy.
Forwards again
Backwards yet again lol
Forwards and up the street about 50meters
The store 7m and to the right is the café we like to go to when the maid comes to change out towels/sheets every Friday morning.